Second of the Glasgow bands with new albums out featured by Ralph this week is Mildred's Dairy and their quirkily named offering The Helsinki Bus Station Theory. In keeping with the retro feel of the album's packaging (niftily designed by Alf Button) slightly 80's vibed tunes and faux record effect, it would be all the more impressive served up as a vinyl platter.
First outlined in a 2004 graduation speech by Finnish-American photographer Arno Mikkinen, the theory claims that the secret to a creatively fulfilling career lies in understanding the operations of Helsinki's main bus station. With that in mind this offering may be a Mildred's Dairy Last Train To Glasgow Central.

It's on the cards that the band will be gigging with increasing frequency throughout 2016 and with tracks like Fools Rush In they'll quickly get the crowds on-side and grooving along.
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