OK bands you know the score .....
the more hits your blog gets by the fans .....
the higher you go .....
the higher you go .....
So Tweet it, Facebook it .....
Generally expose yourself .....

Now Mr Snuggles and I Have Been sitting with our heads down counting the hits on each blog to see who's got bands which place.
The Top Ten Blogged Band Chart is played every Sunday 5-7pm on Radio KC as part of Ralph's Indie Show.
No 1 ...The Phantom Sound

Working on a debut album, The Phantom Sound aka Californian born (now living in London) Marisa Schlussel strives to create honest, powerful and emotional songs, drawing on diverse influences from the late 70's and 80's including Bowie, Blondie, The Ramones and Duran Duran and giving them a contemporary feel.
No 2...Lost Embers
Having played guitar and written music since an early age, playing in a number of bands around the Welsh valleys, the next logical step was to perform as a solo artist so Lost Embers was formed in 2013. Since then songs have been written and recorded with important thought to location and space. These recordings gave way to the first full length album The Borders of Winter.
No 3...Sisteray
Sisteray have been making big waves in the indie/garage rock scene since forming in 2012 however 2014 was a breakthrough year for the London four-piece and 2015 looks to continue in that vein. They're big favourites here in the kennel and regulars on Ralph's Indie Show on Radio KC.
No 4...Kidsmoke
The last time Ralph had a sniff at Manchester based Kidsmoke was on the release of their debut EP Higher back in September of 2013. Well at the time I was hooked by their infectious 80's guitar and remain so with the advent of The Reason I Jump, just released as a single from the up-coming EP So Long, Emptiness.
No 5..Affairs

Ralph's played tracks by Affairs regularly on his Radio KC Indie Show since hearing their single Cressida nearly two years ago. Now they're releasing a new single Blood Science on Monday 15th March so it's time to renew acquaintances.
From scattered English Counties, the band members of Affairs met at Hull University, drawn together by their mutual appreciation of 80’s music, art, slick hair, tight jeans and loose hips.
No 6...The Phantoms
Ralph's been a big fan of Edinburgh band The Phantoms since he covered them back in April last year after they played a set at the Ralph's Life CD Launch in Electric Circus for the Rethink Mental Illness charity. They've since played a succession of gigs including the one and only King Tut's in Glasgow.
No 7...Blair Jollands
Ralph's not averse to a bit of mean and moody vocalising and he's found it in spades with the release of the four track EP Stars Will Descend by Blair Jollands.
New Zealand born and now based in London, Blair's style has been previously compared to Nick Cave or Rufus Wainright and I'm getting shades of a funky Leonard Cohen.

The release of The Ones That Left Town EP by duo Outside Your House is the proverbial breath of fresh air in what can be an extremely stale musical genre.
No 9...1000 Mexicans

If you've reformed a band that nearly made it in the 80's what's new that you can bring to the table now? In 1000 Mexicans case it's quality grown up music like their new single Why Do We Take This. Ralph's already given it a spin on his Radio KC Indie Show.
No 10...Fold
If you've reformed a band that nearly made it in the 80's what's new that you can bring to the table now? In 1000 Mexicans case it's quality grown up music like their new single Why Do We Take This. Ralph's already given it a spin on his Radio KC Indie Show.
No 10...Fold
The two tracks use vocal samples backed by their slick groove fuelled beats to mesmerise the listener. it certanly worked on me when I played them on Radio KC.
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