Sunday 26 August 2012

The Greasy Slicks.....they slip down a treat!

So I'm sitting here after a couple of days of major computer downage and struggling for ideas when my good friends at tweeted a little gem of a track by The Greasy Slicks.  Now me old man wandered past as it was thumping out on the old jukeboxlappythingy and said..... 'They found some unreleased early Rory Gallacher track'..... and I was like OK whatever cos he's like really old and can remember when dinosaurs roamed the earth.

So further investigation being required I ventured out into the wilds of The Hinternet to bring you some info on The Greasy Slicks.

The Greasy Slicks
They've been together less than a year but have a total of 31 years musical experience between them. Not bad for a band whose average age is early twenties. 

They're from Guildford with influences far surpassing the leafy suburb. The group combine infectious guitar riffs, thumping basslines, and energetic percussion with an almost hypnotic vocal which will have any listener entranced. 

With influences ranging from John Lee Hooker to Nirvana (and everything in between) these boys exude a vast musical heritage far beyond their years, adding their own post-modern twist. 
With all the media hype around the death of guitar music, the Slicks are clearly choosing to ignore the naysayers, and are creating some barnstorming riffs in the vein of the ‘good old days’. Kendrew (vocal/guitar) lets his raspy vocal add to the texture of the extremely talented, explosive rhythm section of O’Grady (Drums) and Rasdall (Bass), creating an overall delta blues/rock & roll fusion.

They're playing The Boileroom Guilford on 29th December supporting the outsdanding All The Young  so don't miss a chance to catch them live and loud..... 

The Slicks refuse to be pigeon holed into a genre; they have clearly absorbed elements of rock & roll and blues as a means to establish their own style, also adding to the dynamics of the band. During live performances the genuine excitement and chemistry is wholly evident as they effortlessly captivate their audiences.


The Slicks see the underground scene as stagnant and predictable (not sure if I completely agree with that one) – but they’re here to shake things up! Already causing a stir in their local area and South London, they will soon be coming to a town near YOU, asking for some floor space in return for pleasuring your ear drums. The Greasy Slicks have youth on their side, and in the age of the throwaway band they truly bring something different to the table. 

Make sure you catch this band before a record label does, they're playin' old school proper rock yer socks off bloozy TUNES!

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