Tuesday 12 November 2013

All She Knows

Band Photo 1Last night saw the launch of Glasgow synth/pop band All She Knows latest single 'Why Do I Fall'.

Formed in January of 2012 All She Knows are Seb Lim-Seet on vocals, piano and cello - George Cowie on guitar - Ting Tang on keytar, synth, ukulele, keys - Ross Macandrew on bass  and Adam MacEachran – drums & percussion 

All She Knows released their first EP entitled ‘ASK’to critical acclaim locally as well sales all over the UK. They further released a video in the Spring of 2013 accompanied by an EP Launch Gig. 

All She Knows have played in many venues all across the UK including the London O2 Arena and the O2 Academy in Glasgow. They've also sold out King Tuts , played for Real Radio's Bonfire Night and were the main support for The Specials After Show in Glasgow. 

Lead Singer, Seb Lim-Seet has performed with many orchestras, most impressive being the BBC Symphony Orchestra and has had master classes with Julian Lloyd Webber. 

Bassist Ross Macandrew and drummer Adam MacEachran have both featured in musicals such as Aida and A Slice of Saturday Night. Adam also worked for Creative Scotland for a long period tutoring drums for disadvantaged children. 

Ross has recorded and produced CDs and EPs for many local bands, some of which have been sold on iTunes and other online markets. Having a background in choral music, he has been known to perform for choirs, vocal groups and backing vocals 
alongside doing session work for different bands and productions playing bass. 

Macandrew, along with guitarist George Cowie, have also written songs for the largest production company in Scotland – Rage Music. When not playing guitar with ‘All She Knows’ and tutoring guitar at a local Church, George has been involved with big time religious productions and has worked closely with Pauline Wooton of the Morning Star Ministries in the USA. 

Ting Tang acts as a part time Musical Director for several prestigious shows throughout his area. Aside from that, Ting tutors piano students to help them achieve grades in practical assessments. 

I caught up with them prior to the single launch and asked a few questions...

Given that you're all very busy with college or other jobs and projects I asked if the band was going to be the main focus of their lives.

They all agreed that All She Knows was their future, especially Ross who states that - "On my CV all that I have is  'I can handle Spicy food'. I'm not going to get much employment with that!"

Band Photo 4

Given that the band's gone down a synth/pop track, how has your sound evolved? Ting replied - "When I research for more instruments, the more new instruments I discover! so it is obvious that technology is evolving which means there's more and new sounds to play with." 

George agreed stating - "Yeah we all love a very wide range of music but in the beginning we were very 'rocky' but as we got in more fortunate positions we were able to get better equipment which has led to a more synthier 'poppy' sound." - with Seb chipping in that - "Our sound has evolved as we've changed as people".

I wondered if they enjoyed the studio process more given their backgrounds or if they preferred the live experience and they were unanimous in their love of gigging with Adam summing it up - 

Band Photo 6
"We've built somewhat of a reputation for our live shows in the fact that we always jump around and get really into it. I think that's something we all kind of naturally did especially from watching bands who stare at the ground while they sing and put no passion into what they want others to be passionate about. We made a point that whether it be 2 people or 2,000 we always put everything we've got into it. Above all else, we just enjoy ourselves. That's what music is all about, right?"

Band Photo 2I asked them if their music making process was collaborative...

Ross's take on it was  -"Depends. I don't think there's such a thing as a song being completely written by one person when you play in a band. Everyone takes the songs their own way by playing it, even if it wasn't their original idea." 

George added - "It varies here and there sometimes we all collaborate together on one songs other times guys in the band will walk in with almost completely finished songs.  

Band Photo 4Ting finished off by saying - "Someone can come in with an idea like a riff or a melody and then we all have our input in the song then we expand it to a full song. That's where (I think) we get our best sounds. All of our songs are collaborative, that's where we get our sound and sometimes it's full of different types of music. One point it can be pop, the next it can be heavy rock."

I asked them what they felt their biggest challenge had been so far as a band...

Ting: "That's a tough one.... I think it's when I edit videos because it takes me AGES! to do a 5 minute video. We record like 3 hours worth of footage and it takes me around 6 hours to put it into 5 minutes. The editing process of when we make our videos takes the longest. Also doing a bit of the business side of the band at your own time is hard like e-mailing back companies but I usually give myself a dead line and make a list of things I need to do for the band."

Seb: "As a band...definitely try to keep our cool and staying friends."

Ross: "Not killing each other every few days!"

George: "Keeping our drummer quiet!"

Adam: "Our biggest challenge I'd say was in 2012 performing in the London O2 Arena to over 2,000 people. At that point we'd been a band officially for 9 months and to get to that stage in such a short time really made us nervous, but equally as excited to play."

Finally I asked the age old question - Egg Noodles or Deep Fried Pizza?

Adam: "It would definitely have to be BOTH. Egg Noodles ON a fried pizza. Delicious!"

George: "Neither, all cakes are better!"

Ross: Both. "One on top of the other. With chilli sauce. And cheese on top."

Ting: Is this a racist (Ralph: purely co-incidental) question?... Egg noodles!

Seb: "From my Asian heritage, I'd have to choose noodles! - it's my bread and butter." 

So there you have it, five dedicated, focused musicians, with mostly strange eating habits! We'll definitely be hearing more from these young men very soon!

Next gig is Glasgow in the Classic Grand Main Hall on the 14th December as part of the Hands Up! Festival. Don't miss it!

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