Thursday 24 January 2013

The Online Festival Compilation Album Indievidual Vol: 1

Ralph's been a member of the Online Festival almost from day one and watched it grow over the last few months as Indie bands, artists, producers, music bloggers and fans have joined and created an online musical community.  The Online Festival is free to join and its sole purpose is to promote unsigned music via Social Media so artists that would normally struggle to find an audience can be heard and enjoyed.

They've already had two events (one in Grimsby and one in Manchester) where members have been able to perform and another is taking place on Saturday 2nd February back in Grimsby.  In order to promote as many artists to as wide an audience as possible Hourglass Recordings was set up.  Their first production is a compilation album called 'Indievidual' Volume 1 and it's available on iTunes and Amazon mp3.

I've taken a look at the tracks can tell you now that at only £5.49 for 15 tracks it'll your best investment for music in a long time.  They're all strong tracks in their own right and available to buy individually for only 69p but I'd recommend getting the whole album.

Indievidual Volume: 1

01 - Mama Roux - Fire

'Fire' sticks in your head with some more classy guitar work giving a bit of a rock edge to the track.  This'll be a firm favourite at gigs and with the chance to seeMama Roux live at Kraak in Manchester looming on the 25th of January with The Velocets it's one I'll be paying particular attention to.

02 - Alexander Vann - I Will Be The Air 

Nice choppy guitar intro into this well written track with an almost Californian feel to it.  Smooth vocals and nice keyboards round off this, chillin' on a lazy Sunday gem.

03 - Lisa Redford - Reminders

A beatiful vocal on this poignant track by Lisa showing strong lyrical content accompanied by a haunting melody.  You'll get a chance to see her live on August 4th at the Big Tree Festival in Suffolk.

04 - Orphan Boy - Letter For Annie *

A first hearing for Orphan Boy and it definitely wont be the last.  An atmospheric start that runs into a guitar riff that runs into the vocal and you just don't want it to stop.  It's Indie pop at its very best.

05 - Velocets - Naked

Strong lyric writing ability on this track for ones so young.  It's a low tempo, plaintive track full of sweet strings and a strong vocal that'll pull at your heartstrings and stick in your head.

06 - The Vindickers - Buddy Song 

A proper pop tune this one in the style of Supergrass, it's a bouncy, get up and dance fans favourite type tune.  Strong guitar and bass driving the track on and it'll stick in your head like glue.

07 - Transition,Baby! - Manners Are Wasted On You

A great piece of pop punk (shades of XTC) and probably my favourite track from this Manchester band.  It was one of the highlights of their set that I caught at Dry Bar recently. 

08 - Crystal Seagulls - Ups And Downs

A bouncy poptastic tune from these cheeky chappies in the vein of early Blur.  It's been a popular play on a number of internet radio stations and BBC Three Counties. 

09 - The Relics - Been down To The Bottom

This one tips a hat to West Coast America with a CSNY vibe infused with a bit of Bob Dylan, smooth vocals plus very accomplished musicianship and songwriting ability.

10 - Sonnic Image - Sunday Sofa Sisters

A mod sound from these Warrington lads that can be traced all the way back to Steve Marriott...gritty vocals, nice guitar and it's got me hitting the replay button.

11 - The Revival - Katie

Great little Indie pop song with hints of all the usual suspects running through it from The Stone Roses to The Libertines, this could be a good year for them if they keep up their tunes up to this standard. 

12 - Stolen Haven - Decent Shoes

A long time favourite for Ralph this one, a heartfelt, heartrending vocal.  Unmistakably Manchester and another band looking set to break in 2013.

13 - Tomlin Leckie - Earthwalker 

A real Indie folk vibe to this one and reminds me of an early James Brown.  Strong songwriting ability mirrored by his musicianship.  Another young man we'll be seeing more of soon.

14 - We Came From The Sea - dog dog dog

These guys are another Ralph favourite and this tracks a bit of a coming of age for them.  It's a haunting track that flows smoothly and builds up to a crescendo. More like this please guys.

15 - Cherry Head Cherry Heart - The Illusionist 

Hints of an early Beautiful South from these guys in a nice smooth Indie jazz/pop stylee.  Clever lyrics and a lovely voice...what's not to like!

* Orphan Boy appear courtesy of concrete recordings, song taken from the album Passion,Pain and Loyalty

We would like to thank all the bands and musicians who have kindly donated their songs for us to use in this compilation album. They are all members of our sister website 

You can buy any or all of the tracks from the links on the player below.....

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